
reading, writing, running

books, reviews, excerpts, stories, races and….. the challenge to run for 10,000 days. You are in the right place

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  • impermanence

    Everything is impermanent. The forest becomes an open field – a farm, then a housing tract. Over decades it falls into a state of disrepair, is redeveloped and reoccupied by new families.  Look up and suddenly the skyline has changed. Twenty years in the city re-invented, we need a new house, a new stadium of…

  • what makes up a life?

    Small things: Staring at my socks, tying my shoes in the dark kitchen before each early morning run.  Every day. Looking up at the dark sky, watching the progression of the phases of the moon as the weeks roll along, all too quickly.  Seeing a bright meteor plunge down right in front of me. Perhaps…

  • Niagara Falls marathon

    Setting a goal to run and finish 1000 marathons, I stood at 70 in January of this year. I did the math and decided that four marathons per year for eight(!) more years could get me there.  Or perhaps I need to run a few more at my current (relatively) young age?  Then I came…

  • Housekeeping / Gilead; by Marilynne Summers Robinson

    See my full-length book reviews for these two at the following page link: Housekeeping / Gilead; Marilynne Summers Robinson – Welcome (10000daysreadwriterun.com) These books are off the beaten path for me. Recently I have found some works of historical fiction by very accomplished American writers.  Willa Cather wrote a century ago, she was a revelation to…

  • pale blue dot

    I have always thought that the image called the Pale Blue Dot was taken on a flyby of the moon by the crew of the Apollo spacecraft.  This is the image we all remember.  It was taken aboard Apollo 8 by Bill Anders, showing earth peeking out from beyond the lunar surface as the spacecraft circumnavigated the…

  • running uphill

    The running journey started long times past with modest goals.  Simply to run every day and begin to see the benefits of stronger legs, to run back-to-back basketball games with the young guys.  Of course, at the start it was a challenge; and then you surprise yourself as your weight drops and your lungs expand…

  • return to Ventura

    For five eventful years in a time long time past, I lived and worked in Ventura California. For a marathon my youngest son Mike and I jumped on planes (he from Austin, I from Houston) landed in Los Angeles, and drove up the coast past to arrive at this wonderful seaside town. My best recollections were of…

  • my top ten (twelve) books

    I wrote a book review (Klara and the Sun – Welcome (10000daysreadwriterun.com)) and remarked within the review that I liked the book but did not love it.  A friend of mine challenged me to share books that I truly loved, and that got me thinking, leading to an attempt to list my top ten books…

  • Why Fish Don’t Exist

    I wandered across this book in the staff recommended section of Barnes and Noble. Perhaps I could have found it recommended in an online book review or “best of” list, but the whimsey of a chance bookstore discovery is why we love to browse. “Picture the person you love the most.  Picture them sitting on…

  • Hyde Park

    cold clear mid-afternoon, early winter, 2019 The sun hanging on to the southwest, dusk approaches soon.  Legs unsteady, expecting a quiet Monday solitary run, surprised by the humanity.  How is it possible to run straight into an amusement park today?  Streaming groups of teens and adults with laughter and anticipation, bundled up babies more than…